CEWE App Photo books, prints and more

Premium Photo Jigsaw Puzzle

Spend time with your favourite memories

Whether it's a photo of a beloved place or a treasured memory - capture your favourite moment on a keepsake personalised puzzle and share the experience of re-assembling it piece by piece.

  • Your own design on both the puzzle and the packaging
  • Environmentally-friendly water-based printing
  • Choose from 500 or 1000 pieces
from £ 24.99 *

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Product Features


34x48cm (500 piece)

48x68cm (1000 piece)


100gsm board

Environmentally friendly, water-based printing

FSC® certified


Danger of suffocation or choking due to small parts that can be swallowed. Not suitable for children under 3 years unless used with adult supervision.

Our focus on sustainability

Our new Premium Photo Jigsaw Puzzle is our most sustainable yet. Both the individual puzzle pieces and the personalised box are printed using a environmentally-friendly, water-based method. What's more, any unavoidable COâ‚‚ emissions from production are offset with certified climate protection projects.