CEWE App Photo books, prints and more
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Cewe photobook square
Cewe photobook square
Cewe photobook square

Square Photo Book

A versatile, modern format

Our Square Photo Books have a fresh, modern look, ideal for displaying your best Instagram shots or your most beautiful family photos.

  • 21 x 21 cm
  • Up to 202 pages
  • Professionally printed and bound
  • FSC®-certified
from £ 11.99 *

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Estimated delivery times

Delivery in 5 to 7 working days by mail order
Express delivery available

Product Features


Square format: Approx. 21 x 21cm

Number of pages: 26 to 202


Hardcover, softcover or booklet

Add Highlights: gold, silver, rose gold or gloss

Paper type:

FSC® certified paper from sustainable forestry

Choose from digital printing with traditional binding, or FUJIFILM photographic printing with layflat binding

Cover types

Square photo books are available with the following cover options:

Choose a traditional, durable, hard-backed cover to protect your photo book.

  • High quality
  • Customisable spine
  • Gold, Rose Gold, Silver or Gloss Highlights available
  • Available with up to 178 pages

Our flexible, lightweight softcover photo books are perfect for carrying on the go, making your photo book incredibly versatile and easy to flick through.

  • Flexible, Laminated Cover
  • Personalised Softcover
  • Personalised Spine
  • Available with up to 130 pages
Booklet Photo book in a booklet design Booklet

Just like a brochure, the pages inside the booklet cover fold into each other and are held together by staples.

  • Available with up to 50 pages
  • Cover with staple binding
  • Pages fold into each other, just like a brochure

Design a landscape photobook that is as beautiful as your stories

Take advantage of the customisation options only a CEWE PHOTOBOOK can bring you

Adding text? Try matte paper

For storytellers and journal keepers, your words are every bit as important as your photographs. That’s why when you create your photo book with CEWE, we put a huge range of typography options at your fingertips. Get creative with font choices, colours, orientation and more, so you can present your words your own way.  For photo books with lots of text, try our True Matte Paper. Its smooth, matte finish will ensure your words are easy to read, with no reflections or glare. Alternatively, why not upgrade to our Matte Photographic Paper? It has all the same benefits, but also features our specialist Layflat binding. With its seamless double page spreads, you can rest assured that not a single word will be lost in the gutter between the pages. Ready to create something special? Download our software to get started.